Sunday, October 18, 2009

Follow along if you dare

~Hi there! Welcome to our blog!~
Our world is full of excitement, adventure and rarely a dull moment. As the mom of 4 kiddos need I say more?
Ian is 10 years old, and happy to fill the role of the oldest, and therefore "all knowing". Hanna & Rachel are 8 years old. Yep, you guessed it they're twins, and yes they're identical but only in appearance. They have very unique personalities but are certainly one another best friend (It's a awesome thing to be able to watch this relationship grow).
Will is our youngest coming in at 6 years old. He's easy going, and inquisitive. He likes his puppy, playing with his best buddies, books and school.
I'm blessed to be able to stay at home and wrangle all these kiddos and the tasks that entails. Some may call me crazy. Heck even I've been known think I was crazy for doing this, but I wouldn't have it any other way. For as long as I can remember I wanted to be a Mom. Guess my wish came true!
My husband Kirk is hardworking, dedicated and serious, but can still find that inner-child in himself easily. I think we make a pretty great team. If you choose to following along on this adventure with us you'll have plenty of opportunity to see what I mean.
And just because I didn't think I had enough things to keep myself busy we added a four-legged, tail wagging, very loving dog to our brood. Bailey is 3 years old and definitely part of the family.
Come along on a crazy ride into the adventures in our family.